Many teens today are grappling with the weight of identity, self-worth, and the pressures of today’s culture. Anxiety, depression, and addiction loom over their lives.

Without knowing the unconditional love of Christ, teens find themselves craving acceptance and understanding amidst the chaos of messages from friends and social media.

Introducing Rocketown, a safe place that addresses these struggles head-on with guidance and mentoring, shielding them from negative influences, fostering community, offering HOPE, and changing futures.

Your gift helps us meet and mentor teens in four key ways:

Empowerment Through Partnership

When you partner with Rocketown, you will offer hope to the next generation through Christ’s love in unique and culturally relevant ways, reaching the teenagers who might not be reached by anyone else.

Crafting Vibrant Spaces

Your support enables Rocketown to create dynamic community spaces designed for teenagers. These spaces with entertainment, recreation, and out-of-school programming create unforgettable experiences and mentoring opportunities that shape their futures.

Be and Be Known

Through caring relationships with trained staff and dedicated volunteers, Rocketown is a safe place where understanding and compassion take precedence, where teenagers can be and be known for who they are.

Guiding Toward Purpose

At Rocketown, teens not only hear the Gospel but experience the transformative embrace of Jesus' love. They're nurtured in faith, equipped with purpose, and empowered to forge a life rich in meaning and direction.

Together, let's create a haven where teens can truly become all they were meant to be.

Give Now

Give Online

Give Now

Give By Mail

601 Fourth Ave South
Nashville, TN 37210
(Make checks payable to Rocketown)

Other Ways To Give


You can support teenagers in your city simply by shopping at your local Kroger. By enrolling in Kroger’s Community Rewards program and selecting Rocketown as the organization you’d like to support, you can make a difference every single time you shop. It couldn’t be easier!


  1. Click HERE and select “Enroll in Community Rewards.”
  2. Sign into your Kroger Plus account or create one if necessary.
  3. Once you are logged in, select “Change Organization,” and in the search bar type in “Rocketown of Middle TN.”
  4. Select Rocketown, and you’re ready to go!


The Star Society is an elite group of donors that play a critical role in sustaining the work of the ministry. Star Society members include anyone who donates $1,000 or more in unrestricted gifts in a calendar year (gifts can be monthly or one-time). The Star Society receives special recognition throughout the year and exclusive benefits such as a prime promotional spot in the program booklet at our upcoming event, Comedy for a Cause.

To join the Star Society, make a gift now or contact Mark Weller at . Once your total donations for the year reach $1,000, you will be recognized as a Star Society member.



Use Rocketown’s unique number 3711.


Donating shares of stock is a gift that pays dividends, reaching teenagers for years to come. To give this generous gift, the following steps are required:

  1. Ask your broker to electronically deliver your securities to:
    • Brokerage: UBS Financial Services, Inc.
    • DTC #: 0221
    • Account Name: Rocketown of Middle TN (Tax ID# 62-1571573)
    • Account #: F4G280512
  2. Notify Rocketown. After initiating the transfer, please provide us with information about the gift for audit and acknowledgment purposes using this form.

Legacy Gifts

Invest in the lives of the next generation and leave a legacy of impact. You can easily give by setting Rocketown up as the beneficiary of:

  • Life Insurance Policies
  • IRAs and Retirement Plans
  • Donor-Advised Funds
  • Commercial Annuities

This gift is as simple as updating your beneficiary designation form with the insurance company, plan administrator, or financial institution. You can designate Rocketown as the primary or contingent beneficiary for a percentage or specific amount.

You can also designate Rocketown in your will by adding the line, “I give to Rocketown, a nonprofit corporation currently located in Nashville, TN, or its successor thereto, for its unrestricted use and purpose.”

Are you interested in discussing estate planning opportunities and how you can leave a legacy of hope, possibilities, and faith for the next generation? Contact Mark Weller, Director of Development, at  to set up a meeting.